Aug 22, 2012

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Install Mercury Mail Transport Program

MenuHOME: Install SMTP On Windows
Download Mercury Mail Transport System
Install Mercury Mail Transport System
Run Mercury Mail Transport System
Mercury/32 SMTP Program for WindowsAmazon Now you should have already downloaded the Mercury/32 Mail Transport System. In this article you'll be learning how to install Mercury/32 Mail Transport System for Win32!

Click on the executable and you'll be going through a set of dialogs to install this software.

In the following dialog click New installation.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Dialog

In the following dialog click No Netware Support.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Netware Or Standalone

In the following dialog click No Pegasus Mail integration. This is only necessary when you'd like to receive emails on your local Windows box too.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Integration With Pegasus Mail

In the following dialog make sure only MercuryS - SMTP Server Module is checked. Then click OK, continue installation. This module is all we need in this step.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Protocol Modules

In the following dialog click Install MercuryE.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Select An SMTP Client Module

In the following dialog click OK, continue installation without making any changes.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Basic Configuration

In the following dialog click None. Our purpose is to make sure we are able to send emails. We don't care about email security or abuse at this point.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Select An SMTP Relaying Mode

In the following dialog click Install Mercury/32 to begin installation!

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Ready To Install

When installation is done you'll see the following dialog. Click Continue.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Mercury Service Definition

In the following dialog click Done because you don't need any third party extensions at this point.

Mercury 32 Mail Transport System Setup Third Party Mercury Add-Ins

We are done with installation. Now let's move on to running the SMTP system on your Windows box!

Questions? Let me know!

◀ Download Mercury Mail Transport SystemRun Mercury Mail Transport System ▶
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One Minute Information - by Michael Wen
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