Feb 3, 2011

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Check Out SVN Project Via TortoiseSVN

MenuCheck Out SVN In Eclipse On Windows
Create An SVN Project On An SVN Server
Download And Install TortoiseSVN
Check Out SVN Project Via TortoiseSVN
Validate SVN Integration With Eclipse
Amazon Once you have TortoiseSVN installed you can easily check out an SVN project into any local directory you want.

Let's say you'd like to download some project into your D drive. Right click on D: in any Windows Explorer window and pick 'SVN Checkout...' as follows:

TortoiseSVN SVN Checkout

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address where I hosted my project at. If you follow Create An SVN Project On An SVN Server your SVN URL should be svn+ssh://[your user name]@[your IP]/home/michaelwen/svn/myproj.

Click OK and you should see the checkout in progress like the following:

TortoiseSVN Svn Checkout In Progress

Once it says checkout done you are done! Now check your D:\ and the project should be checked out at D:\myproj!

◀ Download And Install TortoiseSVNValidate SVN Integration With Eclipse ▶
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One Minute Information - by Michael Wen
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