Jan 21, 2017

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Google Adsense Earnings

Amazon If you are a website owner and would like to make money by putting ads on your website, you may be wondering which ad network delivers the highest revenue. I'd like to share my results with you after using Google Adsense on my website 中英物語 ChToEn.

By the way most of my website's audience is located in Taiwan.

如果你的網站的主要訪客在台灣,而你想在你的網站上放廣告,而想知道台灣的哪個廣告平台或廣告聯播網或聯播網聯盟的收益最高,請參考我用過 Google Adsense 廣告平台的結果。

For 2,589,740 impressions I earned USD$924.74, which translates to Impression RPM $0.357. Google Adsense definitely delivers the highest ad revenue for website owners among all the ad networks I have tried. If you experience very different results please share with me.

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One Minute Information - by Michael Wen
ADVERTISING WITH US - Direct your advertising requests to Michael