Mar 5, 2016

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Installing SVN in Eclipse In SECONDS. No Messing Around with SVN Connectors or JavaHL Nonsense!

Amazon How do you install the Subversion source control system in Eclipse IDE as quickly as possible? When I started using Eclipse on my Windows 7 a long time ago, I tried to install SVN the hard way, and I had to deal with the nasty Subversive SVN connectors and Native JavaHL (JNI) Win32 binaries implementation nonsense. Eventually everything worked, but it was an unpleasant experience. Recently, I got a new laptop and had to move Eclipse to the new laptop. I realized there's a much better way to install SVN in Eclipse.

Do NOT install Subversion from "Helios -". You'll be sorry you did.

My Eclipse is Eclipse for PHP Developers
Version: Helios Service Release 2
Build id: 20110218-0911


The quickest and easiest and most painless way to install SVN in Eclipse is install Subclipse. Follow the following easy steps to add Subversion to your Eclipse IDE in seconds!

1. Go to Eclipse -> Help -> Install New Software...

2. Copy the URL "" into the text field labeled "Work with:"

3. Press Enter.

4. You will see a check box labeled Subclipse and a check box labeled SVNKit. Check the Subclipse check box, click Next, and follow the prompts to install it. That's all you need. used to have a link "Download and Install" where you see the URLs under "Links for x.xx.x Release" section. But that's no longer the case as of 20161128. So you can just use which is still available as of 20161128.

When you are done, you can begin using SVN. You will be able to import projects into Eclipse workspace via SVN. For example, you can import a bunch of source code from an SVN server by right clicking your mouse in Package Explorer, selecting Import..., selecting Check out code from SVN.

Once you have an SVN project, you should see Team in the context menu which lists all the SVN commands.

You are done!

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One Minute Information - by Michael Wen
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