Dec 9, 2015

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DLNA Certification CTT Tool: Fixing Error "FAILED: Could not find an audio resource to test on the DMS simulator"

Amazon If you want to test your media product or device for DLNA certification, you become a member of DLNA alliance, and you download and install the CTT tool. However, you may encounter the following error

DLNA CTT Tool Could Not Find An Audio Resource To Test On The DMS Simulator

The error says "FAILED: Could not find an audio resource to test on the DMS simulator".

What can you do to fix this error so that the DMS simulator can find audio resources to test against your device? Follow these steps.

Download DLNA media content.

First you download the DLNA standard test content at They are files used to test devices during certification testing. When you are done you should have a folder called "DLNA Contents". Inside "DLNA Contents" there are "Additional Content", "Certification Content", "Documentation", "Incoming", "ScaledFiles", "Tools", README.txt.

Follow these instructions

In the following steps, let's assume your CTT's installation directory is /Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA CTT v1.5 (2014 Guidelines)/.

1. Copy the every file recursively in the directory "Certification Content" to /Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA CTT v1.5 (2014 Guidelines)/TestMedia/, except md5s and *.xls and *.zip and files under "Certification Content/doc" folder.

For example, the following file:
/DLNA Contents/Certification Content/Audio/AAC_ADTS_320/O-AAC_ADTS_320-mono-8kHz-40.adts
gets copied so that it resides in the following location:
/Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA CTT v1.5 (2014 Guidelines)/TestMedia/O-AAC_ADTS_320-mono-8kHz-40.adts
So when you are done, each media file is under /Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA CTT v1.5 (2014 Guidelines)/TestMedia/.

2. In /Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA CTT v1.5 (2014 Guidelines)/TestMedia/, make a new directory called "Scaled Files"

3. Download It's a file called and is about 5.2 MB in size.

4. Unzip "" to any folder. Let's assume you've unzipped it to /Installation_v15/.

5. Copy every file in the folder /Installation_v15/Indexes_v15/ to /Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA CTT v1.5 (2014 Guidelines)/TestMedia/Scaled Files/ so that you end up with /Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA CTT v1.5 (2014 Guidelines)/TestMedia/Scaled Files/ having the following files:
6. Copy the file /Installation_v15/MediaMapper.txt to /Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA CTT v1.5 (2014 Guidelines)/MediaMapper.txt.

You are done!

Run the CTT tool again and the tool should be able to locate resources.

Suppose you want to install Media Capabilities Verification Tool (MCVT). Simply download and unzip the following:

Then run Binaries/setup.exe and select /Digital Living Network Alliance/ as the installation folder so that when you are done, you end up with /Digital Living Network Alliance/DLNA MCVT 3.0 (2014 Guidelines)/.

Questions? Let me know!
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One Minute Information - by Michael Wen
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