AmazonI'd like to share with you how I took up glass fusing. I took a class in glass fusing with the Adult Ed program of Santa Barbara City College. It was a beginner's course and it taught us the basics of glass fusing. Glass fusing is a process in which you fuse various pieces of glass together to make one beautiful glass piece. Obviously glass fusing is art and sky is the limit when it comes to creativity, but here are the basics:
* Gather Materials
* Cut Glass
* Smooth Glass
* Decorate Glass
* Fuse Glasses
* Slump Glass
* Sandblast Design on Your Finished Product
The whole point is to pick the glass you want, decorate it with other glass, smooth your glass to your satisfaction, and fuse all your pieces of glass together in a kiln. After your piece is done, you can put it in a mold and slump it in the kiln again with much lower temperature so that the glass piece comes out taking the shape of the mold. You can also sandblast some design on your glass. In fact, this is exactly how I made all my products in this class. There are many other ways to process and post-process your products to make them look fancy and stuff, but I choose to be simple and elegant.
Here are a couple of pieces I made:

Glass Fusing Gather Materials ▶