In the class, I made a simple silver ring, a silver split open ring with a gem on it, a silver oval pendant with a brass cross on it, and a round brass pendant with some artistic design on it.
Here are the basic techniques one needs to excel at these projects:
Saw: Whenever you want to make something, you generally need to saw your design off a bigger piece of metal. Even when you make a ring, you need to saw the redundant part of the metal.
Shape: Shaping metal to your satisfaction can be a challenging and time-consuming process. You need a HUGE amount of patience, and sometimes you just cannot get it 100% the way you want it. There are many tools you use to shape metal, including a mallet, a ring mandrel, and a vise.
Solder: You solder to join two pieces of metal together for good. This alone take extensive experience and patience to master.
Polish: You use files and sand paper to polish your work. In the process, you don't want to over file because there is no turning back! We also use machines called "buffers" to buff our work
If you have any questions let me know and I will do my best to help you!
◀ Basic Jewelry Making ToolsBasic Jewelry Making Procedure ▶