Jun 6, 2017

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Where Do I Find the Google Publisher Policy Report?

Amazon If you are a Google Adsense publisher and you get this email from Google:

Dear Publisher,

This Google Publisher Policy Report gives you an overview of recent activity related to violations found on specific pages of sites associated with your account. More details can be found in the “Page-level enforcements” section of the AdSense Policy Center.

Please note this report doesn’t cover violations that may happen on an overall site or account level. You may be notified by a separate email if site or account level violations are found. Ads will continue to serve where no policy violations have been found, either at the page or site level.

In the last 24 hours:

New violations were detected. As a result, ad serving has been restricted or disabled on pages where these violations of the AdSense Program Policies were found.

Further details on enforcements can be found in the AdSense Help Center. To learn more about our program policies, please view the AdSense Program Policies.

Kind regards,
Google Publisher Policy

You may be wondering where to find the Google Publisher Policy Report. The email has no attachment or link pointing to the Google Publisher Policy Report. Read on to find out how to find details regarding your violations according to the AdSense Program Policies.

Where is the report?

Honestly, I don't know. However, I can tell you where to find details about how you've violated Google's Adsense policies. Go to your Adsense account. In the menu, go to

Settings -> Policy center

You should see the violations listed. Click on SHOW DETAILS to see details of each violation. For example, under Pages with violations, you'll see Page, Violations, Status, Enforcement date. If you are lucky you may even see how to resolve the violation by reading How to resolve this.

Why are your Adsense violations listed under Settings? I have no idea.

Questions? Let me know!

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One Minute Information - by Michael Wen
ADVERTISING WITH US - Direct your advertising requests to Michael