May 18, 2015

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Where does Apple's iTunes U store downloaded videos and files?

AmazonI use a MacBook, and I want to download videos on Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift by Paul Hegarty. So I go to this URL:

I click View in iTunes link. My iTunes program is opened and I see a list of videos and lecture slides for me to download. When I click the Get button on the right, iTunes pauses for a moment, seeming to download the content, but when it is done, nothing happens.

What is going on? Where does iTunes U store the files I've downloaded? How do I watch the video clips or PDF files I've downloaded on iTunes U?

My MacBook's version is OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.1. iTunes version is


If you have this problem, chances are you are in the iTunes Store tab in iTunes. Click Playlists tab, and you will see the same files listed there. You can click the cloud icon to download a file, and when it’s done, right click your mouse and select Show in Finder. In my case, a Finder window opens up and navigates to the following location:

Macintosh HD ▸ Users ▸ michael ▸ Music ▸ iTunes ▸ iTunes Media ▸ iTunes U ▸ Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift

It is because the default location is set to /Users/michael/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media according to iTunes Media folder location at the following setting path:

iTunes -> Preferences... -> Advanced tab

You can change this location if you want.

Now you have full control of the downloaded file. You can open it, delete it, or move it to another location. Sweet.

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