Jun 23, 2012

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How to Edit Module's Article Content in Frontend Admin in Joomla 2.5 in MINUTES!

First take a look at my Joomla version
Amazon The following is information shown by going to Site -> System Information.

PHP Built OnLinux ip-10-1-2-3 4.5.6-7-ec2 #18-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 18 21:00:20 UTC 2010 i686
Database Version5.1.61-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
Database Collationutf8_general_ci
PHP Version5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14
Web ServerApache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
WebServer to PHP Interfaceapache2handler
Joomla! VersionJoomla! 2.5.4 Stable [ Ember ] 2-April-2012 14:00 GMT
Joomla! Platform VersionJoomla Platform 11.4.0 Stable [ Brian Kernighan ] 03-Jan-2012 00:00 GMT
User AgentMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.168 Safari/535.19

As you can see I use Joomla 2.5.4, but this tutorial applies to every previous version of Joomla. If not let me know!

The Problem
Let's assume you need to display an article site wide, at some position of the template. Then you'd like to be able to edit it from the frontend administration panel. This means you want your frontend admins to be able to edit the content without your need to get involved. You do NOT want your frontend admins to need to log into the backend admin panel to do it.

You can create a custom HTML module and put it in some position of the template. However Joomla does NOT allow a frontend admin to edit a module! How strange is that! To add insult to injury Joomla does NOT allow a module to point to a single article!
Lucky for you I've found out an easy workaround to achieve our goal. Read on and FIND OUT!

By the way if you'd like to enable editing this article in the backend admin interface please read How to Edit Module's Article Content in Backend Admin in Joomla 2.5.

Solution Summary
Step 1: You need to link a module to an article you'd like to allow frontend admins to edit.
Step 2: You need to create a menu item linked to that article with correct access setting.

Let's look at each step in detail. First make sure you log into your backend admin panel as a superuser before you proceed.

Step 1: You need to link a module to the article
I find it annoying that Joomla does NOT allow a module to be linked to one article. However it allows a module to be linked to a category. This is where you can exploit a workaround.

Simply create a category and put one article in it, and create a module (type Articles - Newsflash) to point to that category. This is an easy workaround to link a module to one single article. Just remember to NEVER add any more article to that category.

Configure this module so that it appears in the desired position of your template.

Step 2: You need to create a menu item linked to that article
Go to Menus -> (whatever your main menu is called) -> Add New Menu Item. Pick 'Articles >> Single Article' for Menu Item Type. Then select the correct article for this menu item. Then select 'Registered' in the Access drop down menu.

If you are having difficulty getting this to work consult the following tips:

1. If you don't want to display the article title, then edit this Newsflash module, pick 'Hide' for 'Show Title' in 'Details' section. If your article contains images you need to pick 'Yes' for 'Show Images' in 'Basic Options' section.

2. Make sure the frontend admin belongs to the user groups for Registered. Suppose the frontend admin has been assigned to 'Publisher' user group. This means when you go to Users -> Access Levels and click on Registered you'll see check box of at least one of the following checked:
  • Registered
  • Author
  • Editor
  • Publisher
What we did is create a module which contains the article we want to show on the website and want a frontend admin to be able to edit. Then we cleverly added a new menu item which ONLY appears when a REGISTERED user is logged in. Since a frontend admin is considered to be a registered user, when the frontend admin is logged in they'll be able to see the new menu item.

They click on the menu item and will be able to see and click the Edit icon to edit the article. Once they finish editing the article will be updated, meaning the "module's text content" has been updated!

By the way if you'd like to enable editing this module's text content in the backend admin interface please read How to Edit Module's Article Content in Backend Admin in Joomla 2.5.

Any questions? Let me know!
Please leave a comment here!
One Minute Information - by Michael Wen
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