Jun 28, 2010

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Show Correct Icons In Gallery View on Windows!

Amazon I am using Windows PC. My image files are showing incorrect or stale icons in a Windows explorer. How do I make the explorer show correct icons?

To clarify, let's suppose you have a folder filled with images and you view those images in gallery view in a Windows explorer. This view allows you to see images in smaller size so that you get an idea of what image each file contains. The problem is sometimes you see incorrect or stale images. You open the image file and it shows the correct image. You close it and the icon image is still wrong.

This has happened to me several times before and to my surprise and dismay, hitting Refresh does NOT solve it

Later I came across a fix, which is change the view to List or Details, and then change it back to Icons. With any luck you should now be seeing correct icons.

If not let me know!
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